Bell Let's Talk Day

The conversation is mental health, and Bell Let's Talk is taking the initiative.


Bell Let's Talk opened the floor for discussion online in September 2010, and millions of Canadians began to speak up. Every year numbers continue to grow to keep the conversation going, and the world's biggest talk yet on mental health takes place in late January of each year.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has experienced a drastic decline in mental health. Between the social distancing to the heightened states of anxiety and stress that COVID has caused, it is completely normal if your mental health was impacted this year, but that doesn't make the discussion any less critical.

Apart from the impact of COVID, for those who struggle with mental health issues, the conversation is not just one day of the year - it's every day. The need to talk about mental health is always right now, and now more than ever.

Each year, the purpose of Bell Let's Talk Day is to increase awareness and fight the stigma surrounding mental illness. All you have to do is be there, and you will be helping to provide funds to critical mental health initiatives, support world-class research, and improve access to mental health care for people across Canada.

Every Action Counts

Every Canadian can play a part in Bell Let's Talk Day, and every action counts.

This year, Bell is donating even more to these health initiatives. For every applicable text, call, tweet, or TikTok video with #BellLetsTalk, use of Bell Let's Talk Snapchat filter or Facebook frame, and view of the official video on YouTube or Instagram, Bell will donate 5¢ toward mental health. This is all at no cost beyond what you usually pay for your service provider, whether showing your support online or by phone.

Joining in on the virtual conversation is not the only way to play a part in Bell Let's Talk Day. Whether you are staying virtually connected with a family member or friend, working directly with others, or investing in access to mental health care, Bell Let's Talk Day is about being there for your community, workplace, school, and home.

Prepare for Bell Let's Talk Day by informing yourself of signs and symptoms that could signal a mental health problem or disorder (retrieved from Bell Let’s Talk Day website):

  • Feeling anxious

  • Feeling depressed

  • Having panic attacks

  • Feeling angry or having little patience

  • Sleeping too much; struggling to get out of bed

  • Sleeping too little or poorly

  • Trouble focusing

  • Feeling guilty, confused, or helpless

  • Excessive eating

  • Increased alcohol intake

  • Taking more prescription drugs than prescribed or recommended to you

If you or a loved one is struggling with any of these symptoms, help is always available. Bell Let's Talk provides numerous resources to help you find what you need, along with a conversation guide that includes information for how to hold conversations in your community and with the people you care about. The discussion starts here, and Bell Let's Talk wants to help you be a part of it.

This is a day to support your family and friends and help them cope during this time of uncertainty, but it's also about being there for yourself. Spend Bell Let's Talk Day doing something that supports your mental wellbeing, whether it's exercise, meditation, or connecting with friends. Share your initiatives and your story through social media and help inspire others to take a step toward bettering their own mental health.

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, Bell will contribute 5¢ for every applicable text, call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, social media video view and use of their Facebook frame or Snapchat filter.

Let’s dedicate one day to help keep the mental health conversation going all year. Let’s help create lasting change and take one small step. If you struggle with your mental health, we know that one step forward can sometimes feel like the world's biggest obstacle, but we also know that you can do it.

Bell Let’s Talk Day is a day that you can make a difference, with the support of millions of other Canadians, including you.


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