My Qi Tools

Every January, the Qi Creative team sets a Theme that guides us throughout the year. We pick themes that celebrate our strengths and talents, and give us motivation for the challenges yet to come.

This theme is shared through words, symbols, images, and actions that multiply beyond each individual.

2021’s theme is My Qi Tools!

This theme provides an opportunity to reflect and identify, as well as acknowledge and honour what “tools” helped us through a challenging year: a year that forced us to practice differently, interact differently, and function differently, and a year that challenged us to dig deep emotionally, mentally, and physically to find what was needed to adjust and cope to a new way of life.

The reality is, step by step, we have walked into another year with key (Qi) tools from 2020 that can support us through 2021 with more awareness and resilience.


As we all continue to stay safe where and when we can, we asked Qi coaches for the “tools” they’ve used to keep them going and kept them connected, despite the challenges, and contributing to our resilience:

Coach Meghan, Occupational Therapist


I have really enjoyed doing puzzles! It helps me quiet my brain while working towards a creative goal! I've also continued to enjoy exercise and nature. Some of my favourite things are cycling either indoors on my trainer using Zwift, or outdoors when the weather is nice! Also walks in the river valley and both types of skiing (XC and down hill).

Coach Robyn, Speech-Language Pathologist


Making time to be outdoors everyday. A short walk up and down the block with the kids to wave at neighbours or the mailman on deliveries, made me feel more connected to community, my neighbourhood, and everything outside our four walls!

Coach Deanna, Communications Director


Every Friday night myself and some friends would run a "quality trash" virtual horror games night. We'd pick up a horror video game we'd never heard of before, enjoy/endure it for 2-3 hours, and then vote as a group whether that game was Quality, Trash, or Quality Trash. The best games tended to be the third option.

Over time we didn't want to just wait until Friday to hang out, so our weekly meeting became a dedicated chat server to hang out and stream movies and games of all kinds, or just to be in the same group call to listen to keyboard typing noises--something that was actually very effective in keeping us focused on our work (and our group is a mix of professionals from music therapy to programming to tabletop game design)

Coach Connor, Occupational Therapist


Sometimes we feel as though we are supposed to have the "right" answers to these questions. Things like exercise, getting outdoors, frequent online parties, and taking up new unique hobbies.

But honestly, one of the biggest things that kept me going was television. We often take TV for granted or see it as "unhealthy filler", but we are lucky to live at a time where we have such great entertainment at our fingertips.

Television can make us laugh, make us think, or just generally give us a way to escape some of the tough realities around us. Everything in moderation, of course, but just watching TV with my fiancée was one of my favourite activities even before the pandemic. I have been more grateful for it than ever during this past year.

Coach Sheka, Occupational Therapist


I have done several things to cope over the last year. To stay connected with loved ones that are far away I have done lots of FaceTime! I’ve been able to connect with a lot of friends from Ontario that sometimes I wouldn’t have had time to see when I did my usual visits back home.

I really focused on the gratitude I felt to be able to witness some of the little things that my son Izaiah learned that I would have missed if he was in daycare. Lastly, I baked, baked and baked some more! Eating and baking for my family has given me so much joy! Like Connor said I now have to find the moderation in it because I will bake my way out of my clothes at this rate!

Coach Emily, Speech-Language Pathologist


Music and making new playlists, singing, listening to my dad play acoustic guitar on videochats and Coach Wendy also chiming in with her keyboard during some of our sessions.

My family kept me going, even though they are thousands of miles away, they are always there for me no matter what. Hot showers, a summer of beautiful weather, taking pictures (mostly of my dog, Ranger), and getting engaged and surviving this pandemic with my partner Adrian. Hope, Resilience, Gratitude, Appreciation, and a growth mindset also definitely helped.

Coach Kelly, Speech-Language Pathologist


Over the past year I have really worked on reaching out to others and being more mindful of my relationships. It is easy to take people for granted when you see them often. This past year I have had to make more of an effort to keep in touch with people, and each time I sent a card or text, dropped off a meal, had a socially distanced walk or campfire, played games online, or had a phone or video chat, I felt a little lighter.

Also, last February I started a 1 line a day gratitude journal. Little did I know how much I would look forward to completing this each night. It gave me a chance to reflect on my day and find opportunities to be thankful.

Coach Paula, Social Worker and COO

When I reflect on what helped me through 2020, I think of my home. I am extremely grateful that I have a place that provides comfort and safety, as well as love and joy. We are used to a lot of travel and adventure outside of our home throughout the year, and last year forced us to stay in. Because of this, we were able to enjoy not only our home, but also our neighbourhood and community, day to day- which was a silver lining for our family!

I realize and acknowledge that not everyone has a safe place to live and this is a harsh and sad reality. For some people, being home has caused more fear, sadness, and uncertainty. Home is not always a safe place.

My hope is that we can continue to build and create outlets for people to connect and get support. I hope that more people can find a safe place to be, whether it is a physical location or a virtual outlet. Let's continue to talk whether it be by phone, text message, Facetime, Facebook and/or zoom.

Every action counts, big and small, and for someone it can make all the difference.

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Qi Creative