Caricature of team member Deanna

Deanna Halls

Director of Communciations

Words have power, and you have a story to tell.

Deanna has a BSc in Human Ecology and an MA in Professional Communication. She works across Qi Creative’s services, including intake and discharge, executive support, invoicing and account management, website management, Qi Adventure Club coordination, public relations, and content creation from formal documentation to digital media production (including co-hosting and producing Qi Talks). As a Professional Human Ecologist (PHEc) and certified Early Childhood Educator, Deanna also offers Triple P parenting coaching.

Deanna spends her weekends at the swimming pool, yoga or pilates studio, and carries licenses in scuba diving, boating, and private piloting. Since traveling internationally on her own for the first time to Norway as a teen, she has since ventured to dozens of countries (from Bloemfontein to Bromstadvegen), making amazing connections along the way.

At home, she is happy to hunker down at her computer and sharpen her media production skills from video editing to voiceover, with her own custom built vocal booth.

In the audio drama world, you can find her in shows such as The Pilgrimage Saga, Shaman, and Tales From The Fringes of Reality.

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
— Albert Camus
Owl with headphones and microphone, doing voiceover work.